Urban Risks and Societal Resilience
LNEC Congress Center | Lisbon | Portugal | 14-15 October 2024


LNEC Lisbon Conference is an annual international event dedicated to strategic debates on emerging-relevant themes to the progress of civil engineering and related fields.
The second edition of the LNEC Lisbon Conference, focusing on Urban Risks and Societal Resilience, aims to address the following goals:

  • Exploring science-based solutions and innovative approaches to manage systemic risks related to geohazards
  • Identifying stakeholders’ needs to inform research agendas on fields related to urban risk management and societal resilience
  • Promoting stakeholders’ involvement on the exchange of knowledge and expertise

The conference program targets the following audience:

  • Researchers and experts with interest in geohazards, urban risk management, and societal resilience
  • Infrastructure and service managers, along with economic operators, who are committed to improving and optimizing asset management processes
  • Civil protection professionals working on the continuous improvement of the disaster management cycle through the incorporation of risk knowledge
  • Government and local authorities dealing with natural hazard risks and the disaster cycle
  • Policymakers involved in the science-policy interface, research strategies and the policy cycle
  • Civil society organizations, including professional associations, informal groups, and community representatives dedicated to building a more resilient society to natural hazards

The conference is organised in three sessions:

  • Geohazard risk assessment,
  • Urban risk management and
  • Building societal resilience.




LNEC Lisbon Conference 2024
Urban societies are growing in complexity, leading to a rise of interdependencies between various sectors and systems. Densely populated urban areas, with concentrated infrastructure and economic activities, are at greater risk of adverse impacts from natural hazards, such as geohazards.

Severe geohazards may trigger cascading effects across and within regions and sectors, amplifying critical vulnerabilities. They transcend geographical boundaries while crippling networked infrastructure that sustains urban regions, revealing the systemic risk posed by such events.

Improving societal resilience to major geohazard risks involves recognising and addressing their inherent uncertain and systemic nature. Current risk management practices that are primarily concentrated on specific sectors and assets would benefit from further development to achieve more comprehensive approaches. This entails drawing insights from different disciplines, experiences, and perspectives, as envisaged during the 2004 LNEC Lisbon Conference.


LNEC Lisbon Conference series

LNEC conducts scientific research and technological development across all areas of civil engineering, including infrastructure, housing, and the environment. As part of its mission, LNEC anticipates society’s needs in terms of knowledge, technical solutions and best practices in its fields of intervention.

To this end, LNEC launched in 2023 the LNEC Lisbon Conference, focusing, each year, on a theme related to the management and safety of cities and other territories.

LNEC Lisbon Conference gathers leading institutions and renowned experts, fostering the interaction among diverse stakeholders and strategic partners, as well as promoting a collaborative exchange of knowledge, ideas, and innovative solutions. The conference aims to identify stakeholder needs, shape forthcoming research agendas, and provide guidance to research policies related to the conference themes.

LNEC - Institutional Presentation

The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil - LNEC), established in 1946, is a public research institution, devoted to science and technology, with the status of state Laboratory.

The basic missions of LNEC are to contribute to the pursuit of the public policies and to provide expert support to the public authorities in the various Public administration sectors, particularly in what concerns the quality and safety of works, the protection and re-qualification of both natural and built heritage, as well as the technological upgrading and innovation, namely in the building construction sector.

The organization structure of this institution comprises 8 operative services that correspond to its major lines of activity, namely: Concrete Dams department; Buildings department; Structures department; Geotechnics department; Hydraulics and Environment department; Materials department; Transportation department; and Scientific Instrumentation Centre.